How Does O-JOE Care? Let Us Count The Ways..

Social Justice and the Environment
We'd be naive to believe or claim that we can solve all of the world's issues with coffee, but together we CAN make a significant difference in the lives of a few. We can do our part.
By understanding where our food and drink comes from, who makes it, how it's produced, and how it's packaged, together we can make truly responsible buying decisions.
Below are just a few of the ways that you have a positive impact on our world by aligning with O-JOE through your coffee and tea purchases.
Coffee Purchasing
It all begins at the beginning, with our coffee purchasing principles.
We purchase sustainably grown coffees from small family farmers who care about people, quality & the environment. We also employ the services of Q-Grader qualified importers who use the same guiding principles as ours who work with co-operatives of small farmers from all over the world. Together we bring you high quality, small batch coffee.
We pay premium prices to supply fresh, naturally produced, sustainable coffee to you. The proof is in your cup.
All O-JOE Coffee is packaged in biodegradable kraft paper bags. We know they're not as "sexy" as the colourful plastic bags you'd find elsewhere, but then, it's not about the packaging, is it? It's about the coffee and enjoying it responsibly.
Our coffee bags are made of recycled content and are recyclable after use. The poly liner interior of each bag secures freshness but is plant-based and annually renewable. The liner is completely BPA free and compostable. Simply remove the closure tab at the top of the bag and recycle the rest.
Beyond appearance, the touted disadvantage of this type of bag is that it can only preserve freshness for approximately two to three weeks - not good if you're a big chain store and want to have products on the shelves for many months!
However, because we are a local, small-batch coffee roaster, you don't have to buy any more coffee than you can drink in a two week period! When you run out, let us know and we'll get you a fresh batch. Our coffee subscription can even automate this process for you, to maintain a fresh supply for you at all times!
Supporting Communities Far and Near
Mother Theresa was once quoted as saying, "If each of us would only sweep our own doorstep, the whole world would be clean".
At O-JOE we seek to embrace and embody this concept in all that we do. We ask ourselves every day:
How can we create a successful business by doing what we love?
How can we minimize the negative impact we have on the environment and in the lives of those in our supply chain?
How can we HELP people right around the world and right here in our community?
We embrace the concept of using coffee and tea as a catalyst for causes that we care deeply about. One such cause that we stood behind for years is Women's Resource Centre in Strathroy, Ontario AND the Local YMCA Strong Kids Program.
What's Your Cause?
We realize that our social initiatives may not be what you are most passionate about. Let's face it, there are many, many causes and initiatives that need our help, but obviously, nobody has the resources to help everyone.
It's for this reason that we have created a program to make our coffee and tea work for your particular cause too. We would be honoured to help you raise funds for your cause by offering O-JOE coffee and tea to your members.
Curious? Check out our O-Joe Non-Profit and Fundraising program to see whether we might be able to support your efforts to put more positive into the world.