Coffee Brewing: science, art...both??

There's no sense in trying to reinvent something that is already working.  The above graphic captures the essence of the type of coffee grind that is typically used depending on what type of apparatus your are brewing.

Once you decide just what method will brew your coffee and adjust the grind, the next step is knowing just how much coffee to use with respect to water.  The Golden Ratio is a benchmark from which you can start trying your coffee.  Too strong?  Adjust the coffee downward or increase the amount of water?  Too weak, add more coffee or reduce water.  The beauty of The Golden Ratio is that it is a "unit for a unit" measurement.  So if you start by using a tablespoon of coffee, simply multiply that by 17.42 to get the equivalent of water.

Measuring by weight is preferred

One of the best investments you can make when trying to achieve "your" perfect cup of coffee is a small digital scale.  Food and drink is better when weighed because humidity, temperature, and even the type of roast you use can change from batch to batch.  By weighing, you dial in to a more accurate way of measuring for consistent coffee.

Invest in a good coffee grinder


Quite often people will come up to me and tell me how much they admire my ECM stainless steel Technika Iv Profi espresso machine.  Although I love the coffee it produces, it would not be quite as possible without the MACAP grinder that cost me several hundred dollars!  I tell people, instead of buying a really good machine, buy a really good grinder first.  Sometimes the grinder can make all the difference in the world for the home brewer, saving you thousands of dollars in equipment that would not have made that much of a difference without a good grinder. Fortunately, I have partnered with Baratza and other companies to bring you what I think to be the finest entry level coffee grinders.    You can look at Baratza grinders and others HERE.  To learn more about why it's important to buy a grinder click HERE.