O-JOE Bla, Bla, BLOG
We celebrated Canada Day like every other holiday - with food! I want to share with you a simple, but very amazing BBQ rub that goes well with chicken and beef. 1/2 Cup RAW Sugar cane juice crystals 1/2 Cup...
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It's no coincidence that my choice of writing about the benefits of hemp is at the exact time when hemp is being heavily talked about in the media. I figure that I might as well capture your attention while it's...
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My wife Maggie and I took a trip to Toronto to see the regional barista championships in Toronto. I have never seen an event like this so it was amazing to see the amount of prep that goes into a...
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Quite often, we jump on the bandwagon of a major fundraiser because it seems like it is "the right thing to do". Shouldn't all fundraising be a good thing that does good for all people? In theory, yes, but in...
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I recently met Richard who represents a business that specializes in fine foods, made from smaller businesses that use natural ingredients and natural methods of production. As I tasted his small batch Greek cold pressed olive oils, he mentioned the...
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